The wooden church "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in Săcălăşeni

The wooden church "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in Săcălăşeni

Biserica de lemn / Obiective turistice


Săcălășeni 437280, Romania


According to a local legend, the wooden church dedicated to the "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in Săcălășeni dates from 1442, being rebuilt in the 17th century. However, dendrochronological studies revealed that it was erected on the current site between 1723 and 1725. The edifice surprises by its impressive proportions, but also by the thickness of the beams and the very high bell tower. Inside, visitors can admire murals made in 1865. However, they are in an advanced state of degradation.

*Photo credit: CJCPCT „Liviu Borlan” Maramureș, Florin Pop


  • Monument istoric

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