Victoria Berbecar

Victoria Berbecar


Botiza 437065, Romania



Victoria Berbecar was a traditional craftswoman who gives new life to the traditional woolen rugs, dyed in colors of the plants gathered from the plains and the forests of Botiza.

The fabrics made by her preserve the popular Maramureș motifs, using anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and rhomboidal symbols. Victoria Berbecar has become recognized worldwide due to her wall carpets, known as "scoarțe", which have always been admired and appreciated at national and international fairs and exhibitions. 

As a sign of gratitude for the promotion of the culture and crafts of Maramureș, the Maramureș County Council awarded the traditional craftswoman Victoria Berbecar the honorary title of "Ambassador of Maramureș Tourism".

Victoria Berbecar passed away in January 2022.


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