The "Lăpuș House" Ethnographic and Folk Art Museum

The "Lăpuș House" Ethnographic and Folk Art Museum

Muzeu / Obiective turistice


Rogoz 435611, Romania


The museum house was erected between 2006 and 2008, at the initiative of the Orthodox priest Ioan Chirilă, on the place of the former Orthodox confessional school. Although the building is not significantly old, it seems to belong to ancient times thanks to the traditional architectural typology, specific to the Lăpuș ethnographic area. The stone and oak construction, standing on a stone foundation, reveals a modest interior consisting of three rooms: a main room, porch and pantry. The main room of the museum with short walls and small windows shelters traditional objects, tools and textiles, some of which are hundreds of years old. The dowry chest, the loom, the grain box, the shirts and the aprons are just some of the items that restore the image of the simple and authentic life of long ago. It is also commendable that all the objects that give value to the "Lăpuș House" were donated by the people of Rogoz and, therefore, all bear the story and the burden of those who crafted and used them over time. Another one of the museum’s strong points is its location, in the center of the town, adjacent to the wooden church dedicated to the "Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel", an edifice with a complex architecture and a special beauty, which was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The church dates from 1661 and is the most famous architectural and religious masterpiece in The Land of Lăpuș. 

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