The wooden church "The Holy Archangels" from Vărai

The wooden church "The Holy Archangels" from Vărai

Biserica de lemn / Obiective turistice


Vărai 437376, Romania


The wooden church in Vărai is believed to have been erected in 1571 and, although it is part of the architecture specific to the Chioar area, it also has a unique element, namely a porch with a gallery with its own roof truss, above which there is a turret with closed steeple. Also, the wooden church "The Holy Archangels" from Vărai also surprises by the proportions of the 40 m turret, one of the tallest church turrets in the region. The interior painting, made in neo-Byzantine style, was refurbished in 1991.

*Photo credit: CJCPCT „Liviu Borlan” Maramureș


  • Monument istoric

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